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Posts posted by digdug1992

  1. 1 hour ago, Kumalo said:

    largely untested, just added some conditions without changing any of the current logic 


    I believe all of the bugs you listed were addressed

    Ok, thanks. I'll give it a whirl and report any issues.

    EDIT: Everything works as intended, i've successfully ran it twice with no issues. Thanks for the revamp!

  2. On 6/1/2018 at 8:42 AM, Weight said:

    I agree with one of the two statements.

    This is a very complex script and many many man-hours have been spent on it and it's been a long time coming. I believe it should be VIP only as well. If you want to keep the script writers in business, do not expect to receive awesome scripts without contributing. 

  3. BUG 1: I've been looking at the code and it seems there is not a condition set for sleeping which is why the bot just keeps clicking versus waiting for a full inventory/the fishing spot going away.

    BUG 2: After using the bot with a full inventory of Karambwanji, i noticed it will function to go to the next area (back to the fairy ring) however it is typing the "231/333" command too fast before the message box has the opportunity to show up.

    BUG 3: While trying to catch Karambwan in the next area, there is no sleep condition so the bot keeps clicking the fishing spot.

    As far as banking goes, I did not meddle with the bot any further than bug 3. Posting this in hopes someone can come along and update this bot as it is highly requested. 

    @Dridia @Neo @Kumalo If you aren't too busy with life/current projects, maybe this would be something to look into one of these days or task a fellow scripter with. I know we all appreciate everything you've done and continue to do. :)

    Perhaps make this a VIP script if it gets updated, I know how much people would love this as it is such a good money maker. It wouldn't benefit anyone should the admins of Soulplay catch wind of a bunch of bot's and decide to take it out of the game or make it impossible to bot this. 

  4. 32 minutes ago, pvm qwack said:

    done both of these and still stuck dude.

    I had this issue earlier today except I was unable to load the SP client and it kept getting stuck on "unpacking fonts". After re-downloading the client from the Soulplayps.com and restarting my PC I was able to load Xobot.


  5. 15 hours ago, NonCombat said:

    Hello everybody I've edited the script (hopefully Neo is okay with that)

    I have currently added 

    - A check for in combat (Teleports to Yanille if it's true)
    - A 2 minute timer to bank the cash (since money pouch has a timer)
    - Levels gained and Exp to next level including amount of thiefs (not accurate when on Double Exp static values)

    Source : https://pastebin.com/NiXbkAYv
    Class file : https://noncombat.stackstorage.com/s/BCjlAmAUJDWFopG (Put in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\XoBot\Scripts\SoulPlay

    Bot works perfectly other than the cash not being deposited into the bank, it will run to bank but not deposit. Teleport works flawlessly.

    Might I suggest adding a 2 minute timer to the "add-to-pouch" feature? Seems suspicious if a mod/admin were to watch you run to the bank every 2 minutes vs. depositing the gold into your pouch. Keep up the good work, there are a lot of scripts that need simple fixes and I'm sure @Neo would appreciate the assistance.

    Edit: The Smithing bot was shutdown back in March, the script is open for changes and i'm sure you know that Soulplay changed the smithing process to a 1:1 coal ratio which basically made the previous bot not work. Might be an easy fix, just a suggestion.

    Edit: Script finally started banking gold at around 40 minutes. Don't know if this is due to lag on my pc or from script. Last edit, I swear!

  6. 9 hours ago, Neo said:

    Some updates

    Might I say, awesome job and it is definitely looking good! If you need a BETA tester later on, i'd be more than happy to help provide feedback/error reports, etc. :D

  7. 14 minutes ago, tiepvout said:

    Hello folks!

    I need a really easy script. I guess its really easy because its simiair to other bots.

    Want to pay with paypall. PM me. Guessing its 5 min work.

    Thanks in advance


    what kind of script do u need 

  8. On 5/1/2018 at 5:23 PM, Neo said:

    Stuff left:

    • Foods
    • Potions
    • Tools
    • Prayers
    • Home teleport
    • Group gateston teleport
    • Higher floors 
    • Higher floor puzzles/bosses
    • other stuff

    Don't ask for eta I'm only working on this when I have some free time it'll come someday.


    Another (huge) dungeon


    you should really make this vip for it wont get detected cuzz this seems like really advanced bot so it seems like it should be for vip only 

  9. Just now, AsBakedAsCake said:

    Works after restarting, weird how the bot gets stuck in certain states. sometimes stuck at bank, sometimes it will click on the same sarcophogas over and over n sit there til u fix.

    run it for 2 hrs and no problems just click everything else just not streanh pots and dps and u should be fine 

  10. 7 minutes ago, AsBakedAsCake said:

    Neo, this is broken now. Just sits in bank withdrawing pots/dds over & over. please fix.

    works fine for me i dont see where yall having problems the only thing thats buggy is the stretch pots drinking all them then porting and still auto logs out while running no scripts does not crash to login screen but while running them does 

  11. On 5/6/2018 at 8:54 AM, Neo said:

    He's right I meant the red topaz machete not the opal one. Will be adding the rest of the machetes later

    did u ever get a chance to add them yet ?

  12. what if u dont have the red topaz  is there a way it will change if u have the normal one since u cant buy the other one yet tell u have 2600 trading sticks. and just a heads up it freaks out when it gets attacked so it makes it more look like a bot then a player

  13. 11 hours ago, dendabad said:

    some reason i start up xobot i log in to soulplay bot and all that comes up is a black screen, please help?

    you need to delete the soulplay cache then reload xobot

  14. 1 hour ago, supermeme4 said:

    Small correction: Just realized NeoMiner does bank. Should specify in description or bot options that it does as well as have a bank OR powermine option when starting bot.

    heres one for wood cutting 


  15. yea it work ok just one problem on round 2 the boss hits u hard with ranage and then hes the heck out of the food u have and it cant keep up with the boss and never chages to ranage of such and i think safe spoting is gone i think 

  16. 3 minutes ago, nizhitbt said:

    When the bot starts a fresh inventory it drinks all my super attacks then drops the vials, I have also been experiencing the bot/script crashing the game and returning to the log in script.

    i dont have that problem only with the strength pots but not attack and i do get crashes to login screen so i uselessly set it to auto login 

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